The President’s House Collection Box


In tandem with White House Historical Association, we proudly introduce The Presidents House Collection which both honors and celebrates five extraordinary presidents who labored selflessly to build and preserve our nation’s iconic home to the American Ideal

Washington — Presidenté • 60 x 7 5/8 • Nicaraguan

Monroe — Gordo • 60 x 6 • Brasil

Roosevelt — Churchill • 48 x 7 • Nicaraguan

Truman — Torpedo Corto • 50 x 5 • Honduran

Kennedy — Petite Corona • 43 x 5 • Ecuador Connecticut Shade


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1 review for The President’s House Collection Box

  1. 5 out of 5

    This is an amazing collection of five cigars representing presidents who had a significant role in building, rebuilding, and restoring the White House: Washington, Monroe, TR, Truman, and Kennedy. It is also a nice array of cigar strengths and flavors. The best part is all proceeds from the sale of this collection go to support the nonprofit, nonpartisan mission of the White House Historical Association!

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